Best Tourist Attractions in West Africa – Must-See Tourist Attractions


Are you looking for an adventurous and culturally enriching trip? Look no further than West Africa! From the bustling streets of Ghana to the breathtaking views of Nigeria, West Africa is teeming with tourist attractions that you won’t want to miss.

Whether you prefer a relaxing getaway or an action-packed itinerary, you can rest assured that West Africa has something for everyone. From learning about ancient traditions to tasting delicious local cuisine, touring this region is sure to be an experience unlike any other.

In this article, we’ll show you some of the top Best Tourist Attractions in West Africa. From ancient monuments and national parks to museums and wildlife sanctuaries, there’s something here for everyone who enjoys a good adventure!

Best Tourist Attractions in West Africa – Must-See Tourist Attractions

Exploring West Africa’s Beaches

West Africa is home to some of the continent’s most stunning beaches, with endless miles of pristine coastline and postcard-worthy sunsets. With warm waters and white sand, many find solace and relaxation on the beaches of West Africa, whether they’re exploring a remote seaside village or snorkeling along the shore.

From serene fishing villages in Senegal to the lively beach resorts in Ghana and beyond, you’ll find a variety of experiences along West Africa’s shores. Whether you’re just looking for a peaceful getaway or you’d rather take part in some more active maritime activities such as surfing, sailing, or water sports—there is something for everyone.

Be sure to also experience some local culture by visiting the bustling markets along the beach areas—here you’ll find everything from souvenirs, spices and crafts to freshly caught fish from local fisherman. You can even stay close to some of these markets if you’re interested in experiencing a more authentic side of African beach life!

Get Lost in the Mediterranean Coast

 Tourist Attractions in West Africa

Tourist Attractions in West Africa

The Mediterranean coast of West Africa is the perfect spot to get lost and explore. From the fishing villages of Morocco, to the bustling markets of Tunisia, and the cosmopolitan cities of Libya, there’s something for everyone here.

If you’re looking for a unique cultural experience, check out the vibrant street markets of coastal towns like Agadir in Morocco or Tunis in Tunisia. Here you can find all kinds of local crafts and products including leather goods, pottery, jewelry and handmade carpets.

For those who prefer a quiet escape from city life, head to Sousse in Tunisia for its picturesque beaches that are great for swimming, sailing and windsurfing. Or visit Nabeul in Tunisia for some excellent scuba diving opportunities in warm Mediterranean waters.

No matter what your preference is when it comes to vacationing in West Africa, the stunning Mediterranean coastline has something for you!

Historical and Cultural Sights to See

If you’re looking for a cultural experience, West Africa has plenty to offer. There are a number of historical and cultural sights to see, from old castles and mosques to vibrant markets and museums.


The region is home to some of the oldest castles in the world, including Elmina Castle in Ghana and El Mina Castle in Benin. These iconic fortresses were built during the 15th century and play an important part in West African history. They were used as strongholds by the Portuguese, Dutch and British colonial forces, and they stand as testament to a turbulent past.


Amongst the most impressive sights in West Africa are its mosques, with notable examples such as Djenne Mosque in Mali and Gbongan Mosque in Nigeria. These are impressive places of worship that showcase stunning architecture, with intricate patterns carved into their walls and domes. The architectural design has remained unchanged for hundreds of years and is still used by locals today.


For a truly unique cultural experience, head to one of the local markets in West Africa. There you will find everything from exotic spices to handmade crafts – all offering an insight into West African life. The Grand Marche in Abidjan is one of the biggest markets around, but there are also smaller ones worth visiting that offer a more intimate experience such as Bolgatanga market in Northern Ghana or Mile 7 market Kubuwa Kano in Nigeria.

Markets of West Africa Offering Handicrafts, Food and More

 Tourist Attractions in West Africa

Tourist Attractions in West Africa

West Africa is a great place to explore and discover the vibrant markets, each with its own character. You won’t want to miss out on the opportunity to visit one of these authentic and lively marketplaces, which feature amazing handicrafts from across the region, as well as delicious local cuisines. Whether it’s the lively market squares of Senegal or the bustling bazaars of Nigeria, you’re sure to find something unique and special at these markets.

Visiting a local market should definitely be on your itinerary when visiting West Africa. Here’s why:

  1. Get a taste of history: Markets have been around for centuries, so you’ll get an up-close look at the traditional culture, craftsmanship and lifestyles of West Africans.
  2. Explore unique crafts: Markets are where local artisans come together to showcase their handmade crafts like jewelry, clothing and textiles—items that can be difficult to find anywhere else.
  3. Sample unique cuisine: After all your exploring, take some time out to try some mouth-watering dishes like Egusi soup or Jollof rice. Plus, it’s also a great way to connect with locals for a truly authentic experience.
  4. Great bargains: You can find great deals on items like copperware and leather items that make wonderful souvenirs for yourself or as gifts for friends and family back home. So don’t forget to bring plenty of cash!

So check out one of these vibrant markets during your stay in West Africa—you’ll definitely be glad you did!

Wildlife Viewing Opportunities

If you’re looking for some of the best wildlife viewing opportunities in West Africa, then you’re in luck! From lions to giraffes to elephants, there are plenty of wild animals to marvel at throughout the region.

Kruger National Park

 Tourist Attractions in West Africa

Tourist Attractions in West Africa

One of the most well-known wildlife parks in South Africa, Kruger National Park is a must-see for any nature enthusiast. With more than 500 species of birds, 300 species of trees, and over 100 species of mammals including rhinos and elephants, you’ll be wowed by its biodiversity.

Chimpanzee Sanctuary & Wildlife Conservation Trust

This non-profit organization works to protect the habitats and ecosystems of chimpanzees and other endangered species in West Africa. Located in Togo and Benin, it is home to many rare species, including the Diana monkey, red colobus monkey, olive baboon and more! Visitors can help support local conservation efforts by booking tours or volunteering with animals.

Regional Parks

 Tourist Attractions in West Africa

Tourist Attractions in West Africa

The national parks in West Africa offer endless opportunities for viewing wildlife in their natural habitat. From Niger’s W National Park to Côte d’Ivoire’s Tai National Park — a UNESCO World Heritage Site — there are plenty of options no matter where your travels may take you.

In addition to its vibrant wildlife population, many regional parks also offer activities such as camping and hiking that further enhance your adventure.

Enjoy West African Cuisine

If you’re looking for a unique cultural experience in West Africa, be sure to try some of the diverse cuisine available. With its proximity to the Mediterranean Sea, West Africa is known for its flavorful seafood dishes, as well as soups and stews made of meat and vegetables. You’ll also find a variety of African staples such as jollof rice or plantain porridge that are sure to tantalize your taste buds.

It’s also important to note that food culture is highly localized in West Africa. Each country has its own variations on traditional dishes and ingredients so be sure to keep an open mind when exploring the region’s culinary offerings. Some must-try delicacies include:

  1. Akla: A spicy pepper soup found in Ghana and Togo
  2. Liptayeme: A peanut-based sauce served with fish in Guinea
  3. Egusi Soup: A flavorful soup with melon seeds, served throughout the region
  4. Fufu: A starchy dish made from cassava, yam or plantains served everywhere from Liberia to Nigeria
  5. Suya: Spicy grilled beef or chicken skewers found throughout West Africa

West African cuisine can be a great way for tourist to get a taste of local culture as well as a delicious meal!

Conclusion: Tourist Attractions in West Africa

To sum up, West Africa is a vibrant and unique travel destination. It’s bursting with cultural attractions and outdoor adventure, from surfing on the beaches of Senegal to trekking in the forests of Gambia. And don’t forget the ancient monuments and impressive architecture of the region, from the impressive fortresses of Ghana to the towering mosques of Senegal.

When traveling to West Africa, you’ll find an abundance of history, culture, and natural beauty that can’t be found anywhere else. With its stunning landscapes, fascinating cultural attractions, and affordable prices, it’s no wonder that West Africa has become an increasingly popular destination for tourists of all kinds. So, why not make West Africa your next destination?