7 Tips for Traveling on a Shoestring Budget


We can all agree that traveling is among the most enlightening and enriching experiences you can have. You meet new cultures, learn about new lifestyles, adopt new habits. The more you travel, the more you open your mind and broaden your perspective. But these days, traveling requires more sustainable ways. As travelers, we need to have more responsible behaviors and find more sustainable tips for traveling on a budget. Climate change must be fought by all means to prevent rising temperatures, wildfires, rising ocean levels and melting glaciers. Studies show that tourism contributes 8% of total greenhouse gas emissions. If you’re taking a round trip by plane from Europe to America, you should know that this trip produces two to three tons of carbon dioxide per person. That’s a huge amount!

So, it’s clear that we need to adopt more responsible behaviors and tips for traveling on a shoestring Budget. But how can you do that while traveling on a budget? Check out the next few tips and tricks to discover the best ways to travel sustainably without spending too much.

Don’t let money stop you from traveling, it is possible to travel with little money, here we tell you how to organize that trip and tips to travel cheap.


1. Travel in low season and think very well about your destination.

It is important that you choose to travel in low season, this is because the tourist demand is lower, the lodgings will have a lower rate per night and you will even have more cheap options. If you want to travel to Norway, New York, London, Paris or Chicago, they may require a higher budget. Start planning at least 7 months in advance for your airfare, accommodations and more. This will ensure that you will be able to travel on a budget.


2. Travel light

Tips for Traveling on a Shoestring Budget

Tips for Traveling on a Shoestring Budge

Traveling with little luggage means that you will be able to travel cheaper, since airlines charge for luggage over 10 kilos. Backpacking to any destination will help you move faster and will be more comfortable. Pack wisely


3. Choose how to get around

In some destinations you can rent a bike and explore the whole city, in others walking around the city is not such a bad idea, but if you choose a big city you may need to take the subway or a streetcar. To travel with little money, make your itinerary and see the distances; this way you will realize how much you need to use transportation. Transport cards usually have discounts if you travel for an unlimited day or if you use it for 2 or 3 days.


4. Hostels are the best accommodation for a cheap trip.

Tips for Traveling on a Shoestring Budget, Tips for Traveling on a budget, tips to travel,

Tips for Traveling on a Shoestring Budget

Undoubtedly when traveling with little money you should choose a cheap lodging, but don’t worry there are thousands of alternatives. There are hostels that can cost from $300 pesos per night, in a room with 8, 10 or 12 beds. But, if you are thinking about a longer stay, you can volunteer at the hostel. You don’t get paid, but you can stay for a certain amount of time and meals are included.


5. Organize your food budget

Tips for Traveling on a Shoestring Budget, Tips for Traveling on a budget, tips to travel,

Tips for Traveling on a Shoestring Budget

Traveling cheaply does not mean not eating. To travel on a budget you need to organize your food budget. If you are staying for 4 days, you can look for a hostel that includes breakfast or go to a supermarket to cook what you prefer in your hostel. Fortunately there are discount supermarkets all over the world. You can pack a lunch and have a picnic anywhere in the city you want.


6. Visit tourist attractions for free

Tips for Traveling on a Shoestring Budget, Tips for Traveling on a budget, tips to travel,

Tips for Traveling on a Shoestring Budget

All over the world there are museums and tourist attractions that are free or there is the possibility to go for free some days. In Paris, Bogota, London, New York, Los Angeles there are museums that you can visit for free after 5pm or on the first Sunday of each month.  If you are a student, bring your ID card, as it can give you more discounts.


Also keep in mind that in many cities there are free walking tours to get to know the most important places where you can learn a lot. Traveling cheap is possible!


7. Don’t overspend

If your budget is limited, you don’t need to buy souvenirs or gifts to remember the trip. Photographs and experiences are what make your trip and what will make you remember it forever. If you want to bring something for your partner or family, avoid shopping at airports, museums or tourist sites because prices tend to be more expensive.


Traveling cheaply is possible, if you have some time to organize and thus accommodate your finances and fly to the destination you want to travel to.