Places To Visit in Amsterdam



This city is famous not only (and frankly, not so much) for its canals, museums and original architecture. Amsterdam owes its real fame and popular love to its enchanting discos, trendy clubs and forbidden pleasures where you can indulge without fear of arrest and jail, only here.

Before you set off into Amsterdam’s nightlife, we recommend you arm yourself with an issue of the Amsterdam weekly – a free weekly in English. It can be found in bookshops, cafés and hotels. In the Weekly you’ll find detailed information about the week’s main club events, as well as articles from food critics about a variety of restaurants and cafés.

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And one more thing: when you’re wandering in a drunken stupor through the back streets of Amsterdam, trying to figure out who you are and how you got here, try to remember the simple rules. Firstly, all Amsterdam trams (they run until 01:00) eventually arrive at Central Station, this is a key landmark from which you need to find your way home. Secondly, if things get really bad, find the nearest taxi rank. They are usually located near hotels, large restaurants and other places where there are a lot of people. Remember, although the locals may be envious of your bike, it’s worth thinking twice before doing the same. Riding in a cycling-intensive city like Amster requires special skills. Don’t be shy…


1. Red Light District, Leiesplein, Central Station

The Red Light District is definitely one of Amsterdam’s key attractions, and you should definitely go there at night to feel the atmosphere of the city and understand what the phrase “drunken air of freedom” means. Wander, first, along the canals among crowds of tourists and drunken sailors. Walk the alleyways and feel the ‘down-to-earth’ atmosphere of Amsterdam. Buy your friends tasty souvenirs at one of the many sex shops. Once you’ve visited the Red Light District, as far as erotica and pornography are concerned, there will be nothing left to surprise you with. 🙂

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

By the way, a great way to learn all about the Red Light District and not miss any attractions is a guided tour.

For a more decent nightlife, you need to go to . For techno music lovers, this place is the center of the world. This is where the world’s best DJs perform and where trends are created that then span the planet.


Where to go

Club 11 trendy nightclub, with house music blaring until the early hours of the morning. The club is located on the 11th floor of an industrial building, where you have to take a freight elevator. At the top, you enter a luxurious nightclub with some of the world’s best DJs and breathtaking views of the city. Despite the hefty entrance fee (around €15) and strict facial control at the entrance, you won’t regret coming. It’s worth going there in the near future, as rumours of the building’s imminent demolition are becoming more and more persistent.

Melkweg andparadiso – the most famous concert venues located on Leidesplein. As a rule, themed ‘clubs’ – concerts of a particular genre – are held there. There you can dance to gypsy tunes, get off to electronic, indie or pop music. Sometimes there are several shows in one evening. paradiso located in the former church building. The main stage is on the lower level. On the second floor is a small room for more intimate events. The Melkweg (Dutch for “milk path”) consists of two fairly large halls where different music is played. Usually the entrance ticket includes access to both sites.

Intellectuals can enjoy a combination of high culture and nightlife at clubDe Balie located between Paradiso and Leidesplein . This club is characterized by a unique fusion of art, science and nightlife. Here you can get to film screenings, debates, exhibitions, and all this is combined with good music and great food.

Directly on Leidesplein there are good but unremarkable and rather boring bars and restaurants. Perhaps worth pointing out BoomChicago – pure American comedy club with good stand-up, relaxed atmosphere and delicious burgers. In search of good establishments, it’s worth stopping Leidesplein and wandering the alleys. There you can find places as unique as DeSpuyt serving an unrealistic amount of Belgian beer. Warning – the strength of some varieties reaches 15%!

Only in Amsterdam…

Now we should talk about Amsterdam’s legendary coffee shops ( cafes ). In case anyone is not aware, these are establishments where marijuana and other soft drugs are sold and consumed legally.

The coffeeshop called Dampkring next to the Spui square made famous by the movie Ocean’s Twelve, and its interior is reminiscent of Lord of the Rings. Worthy laying . Also worth checking out is Barneys on Harlaamerstraat. Here, in addition to the cafe, there’s also a good restaurant in case you get hungry. 😉

Stay away from the online establishments Bulldog or Lawnmower . These establishments are exclusively focused on tourists, which affects prices and quality. You won’t find more soulless places…

Patriots should visit the Russia cafe (yes, yes, there is such a thing), which is located on the street of the same name across from the RadissonSASHotel (unhealthy, which is hard to notice). The establishment’s rusticity is expressed in the tea, which is served with the “main course” and in the opportunity to conduct a game or two of chess (don’t ask why) …

(Yes, this is Amsterdam! 🙂 Turns out it’s more profitable to buy a whole bottle in a restaurant than 200 grams… I then treated everyone with vodka)

Please note that since 2007 in Amsterdam it is forbidden to sell marijuana and alcohol in the same place!

Happy travels!


Places To Visit in Amsterdam?

If you’re thinking of taking a trip to Amsterdam, then you probably immediately asked yourself the question: how many days to allocate for sightseeing in this wonderful city? How to allocate your time correctly to see as many interesting To Visit in Amsterdam?

Based on our personal experience, we will try to help you find answers to these questions.


Itinerary for the first day: a walk through the historic center

On the first day, most tourists traditionally go to explore the most interesting thing: the centre of Amsterdam. This is where the most popular attractions are concentrated. That’s what we’ll do.

Keep in mind that spending the entire first day walking around the city is unlikely to work, as you’ll have to spend quite a bit of time on airport transfers, hotel/guesthouse accommodation and other primary matters. And not everyone arrives early in the morning.

We’ve tried to make a convenient walking route through the historic centre, encompassing as many interesting places as possible.

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Leidseplein (Leiden Square)

We suggest you start your walk from Leidseplein (Leiden Square). Why here? This small square is located on the edge of the historic centre and it will be very convenient to get deep into the old town from it.

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

Five tram lines intersect here, so if you stay away from the city centre, getting here will be quite easy and convenient. The square is very lively, there are many cafes, restaurants and fast food places nearby (e.g. the Wok to Walk establishment, which I wrote about in the article It’s Cheap to Amsterdam), and after flying and settling in, it’s still unlikely you’ll be able to eat. In short, Leidseplein is the ideal starting point for all your needs.

From the square we move along the Leidsestraat.

Flower Market

Across bridges, we cross the city’s three main canals (Prinsengracht, Keizersgracht and Herengracht) and exit onto the bridge over the Single canal, which forms a small Koningsplein area. Here sits the Frens Haringhandel, where you can sample some of the famous Dutch fast food – a herring hot dog. On the right-hand side stretches the Flower Market, which is worth a look: a large selection of souvenirs at the lowest price in town, tulip bulbs, cheeses and free tastings – in general, despite the name, it’s not just flowers that are sold here. , and the place is quite interesting.

After passing through the Flower Market, we turn left and head out to a fairly well-known city landmark – the Coin Tower.


Speuil and Beguinaj Square

Here you should find a wooden door that leads you to a very interesting place – the closed courtyard of the Begijnhof (Begijnhof). This is a very picturesque and quiet courtyard surrounded by typical Amsterdam houses. By the way, the place is not so popular among tourists and not crowded, but the atmosphere here is simply amazing.

Then we head back to Rokin Street and head to the heart of Amsterdam – the main central Dam square.

The main objects here are the New Church (Nieuwe kerk), the Royal Palace and the National Monument.


The red light district (during the day) and the Oudekerk church

After admiring the expanses of the square, we walk along the Damstraat, then turn onto the Voorburgwal and along the canal to Amsterdam’s main church – Oudekerk.

You have to pay to enter the church. 10 euros. Is it worth it or not – it’s up to you, but it’s necessary to assess this oldest huge church at least from the side.

By the way, the neighborhood we’re walking through is the famous Red Light District. You’ll probably arrive here in the afternoon or early evening and most likely surprise yourself by thinking that this place has nothing to do with what you usually expect to see in the Red Light District. Don’t be scared! That’s the intention. Day and night, these are two completely different places with a different atmosphere from each other. It’s unlikely you’ll be able to see all the splendor of this neighborhood’s architecture in the dark, but during the day it’s perfect. There are a number of rather unusual and interesting museums nearby: the Hashish, Marijuana and Cannabis Museum, the Prostitution Museum, the Erotica Museum. You can search for one of them if time allows.

Of course, we’ll return to the Streets of the Red Light District.


Central Station

After walking to the end of the street, we exit onto the spacious Prins Hendrikkade street.

At first, after the narrow streets stretching along the canals, it will be quite unusual for you here: it’s too big and open space for Amsterdam. A huge architectural building right in the centre is Central Station.

On the right-hand side is another standout – the Church of St Nicholas – which is worth paying attention to.


Canal walk

In front of the Central Station, along Damrak Street, stretches a pier, from which pleasure boats depart along Amsterdam’s canals.

Be sure to take a tour of these! This will take about 60-75 minutes. For a standard multi-seater covered boat you’ll have to pay €16, for €19-20 you can get a small boat designed for 10-12 people. The boat driver will also act as a tour guide.

The canal cruise will end where it began, bringing you back to the Central Station.


Museum of Sex

Directly opposite the pier is the Sex Museum – a popular item with visitors to the city. The entrance ticket costs just €5, it will take 20-30 minutes to walk around the museum. If you’re interested, you’re welcome.


Nemo Museum

A 10-15 minute walk from the train station is another interesting place – the Nemo Science Museum. Lots of interactive exhibits that you can touch, feel, press and get an idea of how the world works. In other words, this place is interesting not just as a museum.

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

The roof of its building is an open panoramic platform that offers a good view of Amsterdam.

There is a café on this site where you can order drinks, take a break from a walk and enjoy the views while waiting for darkness to fall. A visit to the Nemo Museum, however, can be postponed until the third day. The schedule for the first day we have is quite extensive, and its implementation depends on the time you arrived in town, checked into your hotel and started your trip.


Red light district (evening)

After dusk begins to fall over the city, head back to the Red Light District. This is where all the fun begins, Amsterdam will open up to you from a new side.

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

If you’re visiting Amsterdam for just a day, passing through and don’t need to stay in a hotel/hostel, then you can take this route back, i.e. start your walk from Central Station.


Amsterdam in 1 day – itinerary on map

On the first day you will see the most important sights in Amsterdam, but of course not all of them.

On the second day, we basically plan to devote ourselves to the city’s most famous museums. They are concentrated in one place, which, strangely enough, is called the Museum Quarter.

If you live far from the city centre, then it’s best to end up in the already familiar Leidseplein square. From here, the Museum Quarter is a 5-minute walk away.

Which museums are here? First of all, these are the Rijksmuseum Art Museum (17.5 euros) and the Van Gogh Museum (17 euros).

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You can visit these museums on interesting tours with Russian-speaking art guides:

  • There’s also the Diamond Museum (€10) and the nearby Heineken Beer Museum (€16 for an online ticket and €18 if bought on the spot).
  • Prices, of course, bite – Amsterdam, as you know, is not renowned for low prices for tourists, especially for cultural and historical attractions. Based on budget and personal preference.
  • Right in front of the Rijksmuseum is the famous I Amsterdam sign, next to which you’ll definitely want to take a photo.
  • Within walking distance of the Heineken Museum is the rather popular Albert Cuyp market, where you can do some shopping.

After visiting the museums, we suggest taking a stroll through the Vondelpark of the city’s most famous nearby.

What to see in Amsterdam for 2 days + map

On the third day, in the morning, we suggest you head out of the city to the museum village of Zaanse Schans, 16 km from Amsterdam.

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

The Netherlands is rightly considered ‘the land of the mills’. Zaanse Schans is living confirmation of this.

There are about 10 mills here, each of which once produced its own products: oil, mustard, paint, spices, etc. You can enter each of them, some for free and others for a few euros. In addition to the mills, the village has about 30 buildings, many of which house small museums and souvenir shops, including goods produced by the mills. In a word, a real paradise for tourists.


Amsterdam is an unusual city that combines different sides. It is an open-air museum, with ancient buildings dating back hundreds of years, and a city of artists and numerous museums dedicated to them, a city of idyllic canals and a city of flowers, primarily tulips. In a word, Amsterdam is surprisingly diverse, so tourists who come here have places to visit and things to see.

Amsterdam is the capital and largest city of the Netherlands, as well as one of the most important ports on the European continent. Amsterdam is located in the north-west of the country at the mouth of the Amstel River on the coast of the man-made Lake IJsselmeer, separated from the North Sea by a dam. They owe their existence to the city because Amsterdam is situated up to 2 metres below sea level.

Amsterdam is the capital and largest city of the Netherlands

The population of the city itself is just over 800 thousand people, but together with the suburbs it grows to 2.3 million people, and together with the neighbouring cities forms the Randstad conurbation (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht), which is 6. – and in Europe. Amsterdam is a highly urbanised city, with an area of 219 km 2, the population density reaches 4768 inhabitants per km 2.

Amsterdam is a relatively young city for Europe. It was founded in 1300 and originates from a small fishing village founded near a dam built in the 13th century. It was Amsterdam’s favourable location that allowed it to gradually take a leading position in port transport, first in the North and then in the Baltic Sea. Even greater success came to the city at the end of the 16th century, when the United Provinces of the Netherlands gained their independence from Spain. Antwerp, Amsterdam’s main competitor, remained under Spanish rule and was also ravaged by Spanish troops during the revolt.

Amsterdam is a relatively young city for Europe

“The ‘Golden Age’ of Amsterdam and all the Netherlands began in the 17th century. The capture of colonies, the development of capitalism and trade, and the growing status of Europe’s main port made Amsterdam one of the richest and most developed cities on the continent. The same century saw the rise of Dutch culture, which today is reflected in many museums. Yet despite these achievements, Amsterdam was not the country’s capital, although it remained its largest city.

Subsequent centuries somewhat reduced Amsterdam’s role in international trade, but even in the Netherlands its role remained unchanged. Eventually, at the very end of the 18th century, during the Napoleonic Wars, Amsterdam became the country’s capital, which it remains to this day.


How to get to Amsterdam

The easiest way to get to Amsterdam from Russia is by plane. The city is connected by regular flights to Moscow and St Petersburg. Several daily flights depart from the Russian capital to Amsterdam, travel time is 3 hours and 35 minutes, ticket price is from 13.9 thousand rubles. From the northern capital to Amsterdam, the flight takes less (2 hours 55 minutes), but the cost of tickets is higher – at least 18.4 thousand rubles. If you want, you can try to save money and buy tickets for low-cost airlines with connections in Riga, Berlin or Budapest.

Flights from Russia are accepted from Schiphol city airport, 15 km from the centre of Amsterdam. You can reach the city itself by train (from €4), bus (€4-5) or taxi (€50).

The easiest way to get to Amsterdam from Russia is by plane

Until recently, Russians had the opportunity to reach Amsterdam by direct RZD transport, but this route has now been cancelled. So travellers who prefer rail transport will have to change in one of the European cities, for example Berlin.

Those wishing to reach Amsterdam by bus can do so from Moscow or St Petersburg. From the Russian capital, the journey will take about 48 hours, the ticket price is from 7.5 thousand rubles. From St Petersburg, the journey time and ticket prices are similar.

Well, the last way to get to the capital of the Netherlands is to use a private car. You’ll have to spend at least 25-26 hours at the wheel, so you won’t be able to cover a distance of almost 2.5 thousand kilometres in one sitting. The route to the Netherlands passes through Belarus, Poland and Germany. Residents of St Petersburg can use an alternative route via Finland and a ferry to German Bremen.

City attractions

Amsterdam’s attractions are a unique combination of canals, old buildings massed with outstanding individual buildings and numerous museums. Most are dedicated to the arts, in which the Dutch and neighbouring Flemish have historically excelled.


Amsterdam canals

Amsterdam’s canals are the city’s most memorable feature, immediately catching visitors’ attention. In total, there are several hundred canals and 1.5 thousand bridges in Amsterdam, so Amsterdam rightly bears the title ‘Venice of the North’. The main canals completely encircle Amsterdam’s Old Town in four semicircles. Amsterdam’s canal system is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Amsterdam’s canals are the city’s most memorable feature, immediately attracting the attention of visitors.

The main canals in the Old City were built centuries ago – in the Middle Ages or the ‘golden age’ of the Netherlands.

  1. The Singel Canal is the oldest canal in Amsterdam, completed in 1428. It was originally a city moat and protected Amsterdam from the outside world. However, due to Amsterdam’s rapid growth, it was inside the city walls. Among its attractions are the world’s narrowest house (1 metre wide), several ancient churches and 17th-18th century buildings that are classic for the Netherlands.
  2. The Herengracht is the city’s second oldest canal, built in the first half of the 17th century. The banks of the canal are built with small two and three-storey mansions from the 17th century. The most fashionable part of the waterfront is called Golden Bend.
  3. The Keizersgracht canal is the city’s widest canal. The development of its banks took several centuries, so here you can find buildings of different architectural styles, and not just classic Dutch houses.
  4. Prinsengracht is the city’s longest canal, named after Prince William of Orange.

All of Amsterdam’s canals, located in the Old Town, were massively built in past centuries. So a regular walk along their shores, or even more so, a trip on the water with a boat or boat can bring great aesthetic pleasure.

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Dam Square and the Royal Palace

Dam Square is the main square in the whole city, so it often becomes a venue for various events. The square owes its status to several outstanding architectural monuments located on it, including the Royal Palace.

In Dutch, ‘Dam’ simply means ‘dam’. It, built in the 13th century, gave birth to the city itself. Its reinforcement made it possible to develop a fairly large area on land reclaimed from the water. Its size is small – 100 by 200 metres, but in the old town with its narrow streets it is the largest as an area.

The main building of the market was built in the 17th century. Unfortunately, a few remarkable buildings have not survived to the present day – the Chamber of Weights and Measures was demolished by order of Napoleon right at the end of the 18th century and already in the 20th century the Old Exchange building was demolished. But what now remains of the old buildings will not disappoint. The market complex consists of the Nieuwekerk church (14th-15th centuries), the Madame Tussauds Museum building and the National Monument to the victims of the Second World War. But the main building of the square is the Royal Palace.

Dam Square is the main square in the whole city, so it often becomes a venue for various events.

After gaining independence from Spain, the Netherlands remained a republic for a long time. When, in the early 19th century, however, the Netherlands became a monarchy and the Orange dynasty came to power, the kings were given one of the best buildings in the city, previously occupied by the town hall. It was built in 1665 by architect J. Van Kampen. The classical architecture of Rome was chosen as a model. So the style of this building is Dutch neoclassicism, quite rare for Amsterdam.

Now the building has been bought by the state, so it is open to all, however, the royal family is not offended – royal receptions are held here. The luxurious appearance of the Royal Palace is fully in keeping with its interiors. Three floors of exquisite and magnificent halls, the walls of which are decorated with paintings by Dutch masters of painting, decorations and ornaments dedicated to the Age of Discovery, marble, gold and stucco – a walk inside the palace will not disappoint anyone.

The Royal Palace is located in Dam Square, the nearest metro station bears the same name. Opening hours: 10:00 – 17:00 (Tuesday – Sunday). On Mondays and official reception days, the palace is closed to the public. Ticket price: €10 (adult ticket), €9 (students), children under 18 – free.


Keukenhof Park

If Amsterdam is the ‘Venice of the North’, then the Netherlands is often called the ‘Land of Tulips’. And the personification of this name may be the Keukenhof National Park, located in the suburbs of Amsterdam. It is also called the Royal Park, the ‘Tulip Park’ and the ‘Garden of Europe’.

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

Keukenhof is located in the small town of Lisse, halfway between Amsterdam and The Hague. Historically, it was the land of the Countess of Gennegau – greenery and grass were grown here for the Count’s kitchen, which is why the land was called Keukenhof, which literally means ‘kitchen yard’. In the 19th century, a classical landscape park was laid out here, but Keukenhof took on its modern appearance as early as 1949, when flower growers decided to set up a fun flower park here.

Keukenhof is located in the small town of Lisse, halfway between Amsterdam and The Hague.

Now Keukenhof is a veritable ‘kingdom’ of flowers. Around 7 million flowers are grown on the 32-hectare area, of which 4.5 million are occupied by the national flowers of the Netherlands – more than 100 varieties of tulips. Hyacinths, crocuses, daffodils and other flowers also grow here. A fantastic view of the flower-strewn fields leaves an indelible impression on park guests.

Unfortunately, you can only get to Keukenhof for 2 months – from about 20 March to 20 May. Then the blooming fields turn Keukenhof into a true Garden of Eden. Park address: Lisse, Stationsweg 166A. You can reach the park by train, getting off at Leiden station and then arriving at Lisse by bus. Opening hours: 08:00 – 19:30. Ticket price: €18.


Zaanse Schans

Another symbol of the Netherlands is the windmill. In many ways, this structure is what the Dutch peasants owe their prosperity to, as there has never been a lack of wind in the Netherlands. You can admire windmills, along with other examples of wooden architecture, at the Zaanse Schans open-air museum in the suburbs of Amsterdam.

Another symbol of the Netherlands is the windmill.

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

As well as windmills, tourists coming to Zaanse Schans can get acquainted with classic farms where Dutch cheese is made, traditional Dutch peasant houses and folk crafts, for example, wooden clog-making.

You can reach Zaanse Schans by bus (no. 391) or by train (direction Alkmaar, exit at Zaandijk Zaanse Schans station). Programme: 10:00 – 17:00 Ticket price: 10 euro (adult), 6 euro (children).



The Rijksmuseum is the leading museum in Amsterdam and the Netherlands, one of the Top 20 most popular art museums in the world. It was founded by Louis Bonaparte (Napoleon’s brother) in 1800, i.e. when the Netherlands was conquered by revolutionary France.

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

The Rijksmuseum is the main museum in Amsterdam and in all of the Netherlands, one of the top 20 most popular art museums in the world.

At the heart of the museum’s exhibitions are the works of the great Dutch masters of the 16th-17th centuries: Rembrandt, Vermeer, de Hooch, van Ruysdael, van Leyden and many other artists. Here was a place for the so-called ‘Little Dutch’ and representatives of the national school of painting in later centuries, for example. Trost. But the museum’s main asset is Rembrandt’s great painting “The Night Watch”, which belongs directly to the city authorities.

And although the Rijksmuseum is primarily devoted to the national painting of the Netherlands, there was a place in the museum for other national schools: the Flemish (van Dyck, Rubens), the Italians (Tintoretto, Veronese, di Cosimo) and the Spanish ( El Greco, Goya). So a visit to this museum will not disappoint those who are primarily interested in the big names, nor those who are interested in the works of little-known masters from outside the Netherlands.

Museum address: st. Museumstraat, 1. Opening hours: 09:00 – 17:00. Ticket price – 17,5 euro, for people under 19 – free.


Van Gogh Museum

The traditions of Dutch national painting are by no means exhausted by the classic artists of the Golden Age. To some extent, the old masters managed to surpass the artist, whose fame came after his death. Van Gogh became one of the greatest artists of the 19th century, so the dedication of a separate museum in Amsterdam is hardly surprising.

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam has the world’s largest collection of the mad genius’s works, including paintings recognised as masterpieces: ‘Potato Eaters’, ‘Sunflowers’, ‘Almond Blossom’, ‘Wheat Field with Crows’, ‘Bedroom in Arles’. “In total, the Amsterdam Museum holds 200 paintings by the great artist, about a quarter of his legacy.

The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam houses the world’s largest collection of works by the mad genius

Museum address: st. Museumplein 6. Opening hours: 09:00 – 19:00 (Sunday – Thursday), 09:00 – 21:00 (Friday, Saturday). Ticket price: €18 (adult), children under 17 – free.


What to see if you come with a child:

Amsterdam is a pretty kid-friendly city, so even when travelling with the whole family, tourists have somewhere to go. As usual in Amsterdam, museums are of most interest here, but in this case, they’re for kids.


Nemo Museum

The Nemo Museum is the largest child-oriented science museum in the Netherlands, so it will delight the curious child. Plus, it’s educational in nature and is designed to spark interest in science and technology from an early age. The museum opened in 1997 and Italian architect R. Piano became the author of its bright and unusual ship-shaped building.

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

The Nemo Museum is the largest child-friendly science museum in the Netherlands.

Nemo is an interactive museum, so you can and should touch its exhibits with your hands – after all, they only ‘come alive’ when touched. The museum doesn’t have a single scientific focus; children who come to the museum learn about a wide range of sciences: from mechanics and chemistry to biomedicine and information technology.

Museum address: st. Oosterdok, 2. Opening hours: 10:00 – 17:30, closed on Mondays, but during school holidays the museum is open on Mondays. Ticket price: 16,5 euro.


Amsterdam Dungeon Horror Museum

Of course, not every child can be brought to the Museum of Horrors, but for teenagers there will be nothing to worry about, the more likely they will be delighted by such a museum, because who at that age doesn’t like horror movies.

The elevator brings visitors to the lower floor, after which the group, passing rooms, must go upstairs.

The Amsterdam Dungeon has 5 underground floors, each of which will give you the creeps. The elevator brings visitors to the lower floor, after which the group, passing the rooms, must go upstairs. Scary and exciting scenes await visitors along the way: from the Inquisition torture chamber and the hold of a pirate ship to a street that disappeared due to the plague and a tavern with a mad mistress. Well, just outside the museum in a small shop you can buy souvenirs, the theme of which is directly related to the museum’s focus.

Address of the object: 78 Rokin str. Opening hours: 11:00 – 18:00 (Sunday – Thursday), 11:00 – 19:00 (Friday, Saturday). Ticket price: 19 euro (online) or 23 euro (at the museum ticket office).


Amsterdam climate

Amsterdam’s climate, due to the influence of the sea, is characterised by mild winters and cool summers, with fairly strong sea winds that bring frequent rain. Therefore, when travelling to Amsterdam, it is absolutely necessary to keep warm and arm yourself with an umbrella. In the winter season, it’s best to stock up on a warm windproof jacket and waterproof shoes, as even with a positive temperature but a strong wind, it will be visibly cold. In many ways, the same is true for spring and autumn. Summers in Amsterdam are quite cool and rainy, so a light jacket and umbrella will also be useful. An alternative to these can be a raincoat, which is often worn by the Dutch themselves.


How long does it take to see the city

Amsterdam is not the city of one or two brilliant sights that overshadow everything else. Perhaps the city’s monuments and interesting places can’t be called true masterpieces, but here their density is surprisingly high. Well, perhaps, the main reason why tourists come here is to feel the unique atmosphere of this city, which is incomparable to any other on the planet.


Amsterdam is a city of free mores

Another way to save money, including on public transport, is to buy the I amsterdam city card, which not only allows you to travel for free on the same GVB transport, but also offers discounts at many of the city’s museums. The cost of such a card is slightly higher: for 24 hours – 59 euros, for 48 – 74 euros, for 72 hours – 87 euros, for 96 hours – 98 euros.

Amsterdam is a city of rather loose morals, which has manifested itself in cafes known far beyond the country’s borders and, of course, the Red Light District. However, if you avoid the establishments that sell soft drugs and a tiny quarter, then Amsterdam will seem a pretty decent and even somewhat puritanical city. So don’t expect the freedoms and debauchery of Amsterdam and be afraid to go here or bring kids.

A trip to Amsterdam is suitable for almost any tourist: lovers of architecture and painting, fans of idyllic rural landscapes and those who prefer narrow stone streets, adhering to loose morals and strict guardians of morals. Every traveller who comes here can find in this town something of his own, the closest to him.



There are plenty of interesting places in Amsterdam. It is simply impossible to get around in a day. I would mark at least 100 places that are really worth seeing.

But first, a person who has arrived in Amster should visit Dam Square, or Dam Square, which is a 10-minute walk from the train station.

This is the heart of the city, where all the streets “come together”, where all the roads lead. The area itself is small, surrounded by dozens of shops, cafes, restaurants. On the square stands the National Monument in memory of the victims of the war.

This is something of a meeting place in Amsterdam, so you can see hundreds of tourists resting near the monument. Street performers, musicians, magicians are constantly playing in the square, flash mobs and celebrations are also held there.

Also on the Dam is the Royal Palace, built in the 17th century.

The palace can be visited throughout the week, except on Mondays, only on certain holidays the palace is closed. Opening hours – from 12:00 to 17:00, in July and August the palace invites tourists from 11:00. A ticket for adults costs 7,5 €, for children from 5 to 16 years old, as well as for students and people over 65 – 6,5 €, children under 5 are admitted for free. From the inside, the palace with its 17 halls is astonishing in its luxury and grandeur. In the palace, tourists can order an individual tour for €60. And you can take a free audio guide, but it’s not available in Russian, but for those who understand English, German, Italian, French or Spanish, this will be the way out.

Nearby is the Nieuwekerk church, also an interesting place.

The church can be visited daily from 10:00 to 18:00, the ticket costs € 10,00.


Well, the last thing you can see in the square is Madame Tussauds Museum.

The museum contains about 40 wax figures: world stars, politicians and more. Fun place! The museum is open daily from 10:00 to 17:30. Tickets cost €22 and €18. You can buy tickets online and save €2. By the way, when you buy tickets online, you can’t indicate the date of your visit: tickets will be valid until the end of the year. After 15:00, tickets become cheaper: adults – €18, children – €13. By the way, you can buy a combined ticket and at the same time go to the Amsterdam Dungeon attraction, or Dungeon, with Madame Tussauds.

A kind of horror room showing harrowing moments from the life of old Amsterdam.

For example, both visits will cost EUR 30 for an adult (not EUR 43.00).

By the way, if you plan to visit more than one museum, you might want to buy a single-entry IAmsterdam Card or Hollandpass (and the latter, in my opinion, is better).

Buying a card saves you a lot when visiting museums and galleries in Amsterdam (as well as other cities around the country), plus you can use the card to get around the city on public transport. You can buy a card here: http://www.hollandpass.com/


Next, a place everyone has heard of. The Red Light District, the Red Light District or de Wallen.

It’s located behind Dam Square if you go to the canal.  This famous is located between Nisel in the north, the Nieuwmarkt cliff in the east, Sint-Janstrat in the south and Warmustrath in the west. During the day, the neighbourhood is unremarkable, but comes alive as darkness falls. Everything sparkles with red lights, over 300 windows open their curtains, well-known business workers wait for customers (if anyone is interested in the cost, then 20 minutes of sex costs 40-50 euros).

There are streets with Asian and black prostitutes and even transvestites.

In addition, this neighborhood has many sex shops, peep-show booths, video rentals with a cinema, cafes and the famous Museum of Erotica.

The museum is open Sunday to Thursday from 11:00 to 1:00, Friday and Saturday – until 2:00. Admission costs 5 euros.


You can join the beauty in the Van Gogh Museum.

All of the great artist’s paintings are collected on the 4 floors of the museum. In the museum you can take an audio guide, but generally all paintings have captions and a little creative background. All inscriptions are in English and Dutch. This museum is located at Gabriel Metsustraat, 13, you can reach the place by tram number 2 or 5. The ticket costs 15 euros (entrance with IAmsterdam Card or Hollandpass is free), for people under 17 – entrance is free . Be prepared for the fact that there are always long queues at the museum (for example, we stayed for at least half an hour), but those who have purchased e-tickets are allowed to skip the queue (tickets can be bought here: http:/ /tourister. amsterdam.ticketbar.eu /en/museums/van-gogh-museum-001/). The museum is open from May to September from 10am to 6pm (and Friday – until 10pm), and from September – from 10am to 5pm (Friday – until 10pm).


In addition, the oldest church in Amsterdam is the Old Church (Oude Kerk).

The church is located in the Red Quarter. The church itself is a beautiful, unusual building that exudes the Middle Ages. The floor of the Oude Kerk is made entirely of tombstones (creepy, yes). And they also hold concerts in the church, as there is excellent acoustics inside. The church is open Monday to Saturday – 11am to 5pm, Sundays – 1pm to 5pm, and closed during events or holidays. Admission to the church costs EUR 5 for adults, students, seniors and groups of more than 10 people, entrance will cost EUR 4, children under 13 are free.

In general, there are plenty of museums in Amsterdam: visit the National Rijksmuseum (a museum dedicated to fine arts, crafts and history at Stadhouderskade, 42), the NEMO Museum (a science centre with laboratories and various interesting exhibits, Oosterdok, 2). ), the Rembrandt House Museum (where the great artist lived and worked. Address-Jodenbreestraat, 4), Anne Frank House Museum (Prinsengracht, 267), Amsterdam Diamond Museum (Paulus Potterstraat, 8), Stedelijk City Museum (museum of modern art). , at Paulus Potterstraat, 13), the Bag Museum (Herengracht, 573), the Tropical Museum (anthropological museum, Linnaeusstraat, 2), the Amsterdam History Museum (Kalverstraat, 92), the Maritime Museum of the Netherlands (Kattenburgerplein, 1), the Film Museum (Vondelpk, 3) and many others. You won’t get bored!


Useful answer?

There are no uninteresting places in Amsterdam! By the way, the city’s name literally means – a dam near the Amstel River and the first mention of it was in 1275. Since then, Amsterdam has been inextricably linked to the sea, dykes and, of course, canals.

If you’re in the Dutch capital, don’t visit the Van Gogh Museum, then you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. The museum is open every day from 10am to 6pm and the only day off is 1 January.

If you have time to spare, then wander around this amazing city and there are a lot of amazing things here and first and foremost, it’s the inexplicable passion of people in Amsterdam to get everywhere on bikes!

And keep in mind, not super fancy, modern, but quite ordinary, I would even say ancient bikes that are at least 50 years old.

Without fail, go on a trip to the exemplary village of Marken – Marken, located literally next to the city. Here you can see the mills, which are 300 years old and as new and still working.

Be sure to visit the workshop for making wooden shoes,

where you can buy shoes made before your eyes, both as a souvenir and just everyday shoes. Well, of course, don’t miss the opportunity to buy world-famous Dutch cheese.

Let’s get back to magical Amsterdam – the flower capital, the absolute majority of which are tulips, by the way, 11 thousand hectares of land, reclaimed so painstakingly from the sea, are taken up with tulip production and therefore it would be the height of indecency not to visit the flower market on the Singel Canal.

And, of course, one should not think that this beautiful town is only famous for its past. and many canals (around 600). Amsterdam is also a city of cutting-edge architecture.


Useful answer?

Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands and a very interesting city for tourists.

In my article we will talk about where you can go in Amsterdam, but there will be a slight difference from similar articles. Since a lot has been written about Amsterdam sights, in my article I will talk about what I saw in this city – a short description of this place, my impressions and tips. First of all, I note that my choice of museums in Amsterdam was quite traditional – before the trip, I studied the websites that tell about the city’s sights and outlined a series of museums that I found most interesting. So, let’s get started.

State Museum (Rijksmuseum)

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

What is it.

This is one of Amsterdam’s most important museums, which was founded in the 19th century. It’s quite large, exhibits include paintings, sculptures, archaeological artefacts, drawings, engravings, photographs and more.

A special pride of the museum is a collection of paintings by famous Dutch masters, among them – Rembrandt, Vermeer, de Hooch, van der Gelst and many others.

Information for visitors

Address: Museum Street 1

Opening hours: The museum is open to visitors between 9:00 and 17:00

Ticket price: 17, 50 euro for adults, children under 18 free, for those who have purchased an I Amsterdam card – discount

My impressions: In general, I liked the museum because there are a lot of art objects on display. It was quite crowded, but there was no flea market. The signage under the exhibits is in English, if you know it, there won’t be any problems. A big plus of the museum (can’t remember if I’ve seen this in others) – the most significant paintings (e.g. Night Watch) have large sheets that anyone can pick up – they depict a picture, and the key points are enlarged and signed explanations – in other words, who it is, why it’s drawn the way it is, what’s unique about it and so on. So you can stand right in front of the picture, take a sheet of explanations, look and compare. I really liked this idea, it’s more interesting (after all, not all of us are painting experts) and it’s more memorable.

From the museum’s collection I remember paintings by Dutch masters, a collection of jewellery, Delft porcelain and various key locks.

With my I Amsterdam card I bought a discount ticket, which was quite profitable. I spent about three hours in the State Museum, although it could have been longer, I was just limited on time.


Maritime Museum

What it is.

A museum that tells the visitor about the history of sailing in Amsterdam. As you can understand, sailing is closely linked to the history of the country and its economy.

Among the museum’s exhibits are paintings depicting naval battles, ship models, maps, and next to the museum is a ship (similar ships were used by the Dutch fleet) – you can go inside and inspect it.

Information for visitors

Address: Kattenburgerplein 1

Opening hours: the museum is open to the public between 9:00 and 17:00 every day except 27 April, 25 December and 1 January.

Ticket price:

children under four – free of charge

children from 5 to 17 years – 7,50 euro

adults (from 18 years) – 15 euro

students – 7, 50 euro


– I Amsterdam card holders – free of charge


My impressions: The museum as a whole made a good impression on me, I especially liked some interactive moments that are meant to entertain visitors. I notice immediately that all of them are in English or Dutch – no Russian.

The first moment I liked is that on the screens of the exhibition you seem to be accompanied by a group of people – they show those whose lives were inextricably linked to the sea – I remember among them the captain of the ship, his wife, a sailor and a maid taken from the West Indies. At each exposition, they tell how their lives changed, at the end they will tell how it all ended (by the way, I note there were some tragic moments).

And the second point – in that part of the exhibition, which is a port, visitors can, it seems, follow the container’s route – loading, transporting, unloading – all with the help of huge screens.

Children especially like these things. And, of course, I also liked the exhibition itself – among the most curious things I’ll note the figures taken from the bow of the ships, paintings and maps.


Madame Tussauds Wax Museum

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

Places To Visit in Amsterdam

What is it.

It seems to me that here explanations are superfluous – the museum exhibits wax figures of famous personalities – from politicians to actors and musicians.

Information for visitors

Address: dam area,20

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 17:30

Ticket price:

adults – 22 euro

children – 17 euro

children under 4 years – free

My impressions: I didn’t like the exhibition very much, mainly because I’m not very interested in actors, singers and other media people, so I don’t know many of them. The museum will appeal to those who understand the area, as well as those who like to take pictures – the figures stand/stand in different poses, so you can take lots of fun photos.


Diamond Museum

What is it?

A museum that talks about mining, grading diamonds and also demonstrates products made from them.

Information for visitors


Address: Paulus Potterstraat 8 (near Rijksmuseum)

Opening hours: from 9 am to 5 pm

Ticket price:

adults – €8.5

children – 6 euro

pensioners and children under 12 – free


My impressions: The museum is quite curious, although small – an hour and a half is enough for your eyes. Explanations, as in previous museums, exclusively in Dutch and English. You can take pictures, although the stones don’t come out very well in the photo. I was interested in the classification of diamonds, the story about artificial diamonds and, of course, the exhibits themselves – among them jewellery, inlaid paintings and some (highly unusual) modern art objects – a monkey skull studded with diamonds and so on. According to my observations, especially in the girls’ museum – they really like to look at jewelry. Anyone who is interested in diamonds or would like to learn more about them, I recommend visiting this museum, especially since it is located right in the center of town, within walking distance of the State Museum.

Amsterdam is one of the most picturesque cities in Europe. The city’s limited space has forced city planners to approach its planning with full responsibility. Amsterdam has a large number of canals, many of which have never been completed, and in their place houses, streets and squares have sprung up. Many tourists come here not only to enjoy the architectural monuments, but also to visit the many shops, cafés, cafes, casinos, bars and special museums.

The old town is surrounded by four half-rings of canals. All of Amsterdam’s canals are included on the UNESCO list. The Singel Canal is known for its beautiful houses built during the Golden Age. The Herengracht, Keizersgracht and Prinsengracht canals amaze tourists with their beautiful mansions. Every day there are tours along Amsterdam’s canals, all starting from the city centre, but you can choose different routes. Dam Square is the most famous place in Amsterdam. On the west side of the square is the Royal Palace. This is an unusually beautiful building with rich interior architectural ornament. Next to the Royal Palace is the Nieuwekerk church, built in the 15th century. It’s also home to the famous Madame Tussauds Museum, where huge queues of people line up daily to view wax figures of celebrities. The Van Gogh Museum is one of Amsterdam’s most famous museums. There are around 200 paintings and drawings by the famous painter. The exhibition is a chronology of Van Gogh’s life, where his entire life is told in drawings, paintings and engravings. The Stedelijk Museum houses paintings by Picasso, Kazemir Malevich, Cezanne, Matisse and other areas of contemporary art. History buffs should visit the Anne Frank Memorial House, opened in 1957 and dedicated to the memory of a Jewish girl who died in a German camp. She kept a diary in which she described life during the occupation of Amsterdam. Arriving in Amsterdam, many tourists tend to immediately end up in the famous Red Light District, which doesn’t look like a street at all, but rather an entire area. This convenient spot, located near the harbour, has been chosen by prostitutes since the 14th century. By day, when you first enter the Red Light District, you don’t immediately notice the girls sitting at the windows, the daytime work is light, and most of the windows are curtained. But nightlife is in full swing: the lights are on, music is playing, girls of different nationalities, skin colours, ages and proportions go to work. They sit seductively and proudly on their high chairs and invite men and women into their rooms. However, during the day you can better see the architectural beauty of the neighbourhood. The Red Light District is home to the Erotic Museum – one of Amsterdam’s most famous museums. It represents erotic art from different periods and cultures. Among the museum’s exhibits: paintings, engravings, statues, figures depicting various erotic scenes. There are many similarities of the Amsterdam Erotic Museum. Each museum tries to attract customers with various tricks, for example, in some of them there are human-sized moving figures at the entrances and inside, shocking, frightening and attracting tourists. The Leidseplein square is the centre of Amsterdam’s nightlife. This area attracts tourists with a variety of art cafes, clubs, cinemas and shops. Street performers and musicians play in the open air until morning. Leidseplein is home to Amsterdam’s most famous café, Bulldog Palace. At the Whitburo street office, you can get a full picture of Amsterdam’s cultural life, buy tickets for concerts and theatre performances.

Tourists with children and just nature lovers should visit the Artis Royal Zoo, home to 6,000 animals. On the grounds of the zoo you can see the botanical garden, the aquarium, the geological museum and just watch the life of the animals.