10 Best Places for Family Vacations on a Budget


There are many cheap places to stay, and some even fully justify their “cheap price” in the sense that you do not want to rest in them for any money. But in this huge list, there are real gems, interesting and pleasant places, travel to which will not burden your budget and bring maximum pleasure from traveling. We’ve chosen 10 of the best places in the world for a vacation on a budget, where you can spend a great vacation, never ceasing to be amazed at its cheapness.


A person, who has never once planned an independent trip to Vietnam, most likely has never heard of Hoi An, and if he had heard, would have confused it with Hanoi. Leaving behind Hanoi as the cheapest city in Asia, most choose Hoi An, which is much more interesting and pleasant, but not much more expensive.

Arriving in Hoi An, it is impossible not to note the rather high quality of food and drinks in many restaurants with menus in English, focused on tourists. Dining in establishments for locals, with plastic furniture, you can save some money, but given the overall price level, most tourists prefer to visit places with a more comfortable and cozy atmosphere.

Hoi An generally looks lovely, and lovers may well occupy themselves for a day or two with plenty of inexpensive excursions, but the cuisine overshadows everything. There are many excellent Vietnamese restaurants in the city, and in most of them the main course will cost from 70 to 150 rubles. Here you can also try the world’s cheapest beer, “bia hoi”, for about 5 rubles per glass. By the way, beer here is particularly cheap, and the cheapest is the local La Rue, but you can also order Heineken brewed in Asia. Wine is relatively expensive, but those who are not tempted by beer will be comforted by the moderate prices of cocktails. Vietnamese vodka is sold by the bottle at incredibly low prices.

The old part of town looks more like a Chinese fishing village from a revived museum, in which almost every other shop – a cheap sewing shop. Tour in Michon and other nearby cities are offered at every step, including, directly at the counter in the hotel lobby and in the many scattered around the city center travel agencies. In general, prices are about the same everywhere, but it doesn’t hurt to haggle.



There are many hotels in Hoi An with prices independent of the time of year. The low season is the rainy season from September to the end of November, and during this time there is a lot of choice and you can get a great discount, especially if you bargain yourself. Going to visit during the winter vacations, it is a good idea to book a place as early as possible, because in many decent and most popular hotels all the rooms are sold out many days or weeks, so if you know where you want to go, it is better to book in advance.

Hoi An has a typically tropical climate, with distinct dry and rainy seasons, and temperatures vary slightly throughout the year. From September to December, monsoons sweep over the city, bringing sudden and heavy downpours. There are sunny hours and even days between storms, but it is almost impossible to foresee them in advance.

The so-called dry season lasts from February to August, during which time there is little rain, but the slightly humid air makes the warm weather noticeably hotter.



It’s true, the prices of holidays in Goa have been rising far too fast in recent years, but whoever gets there will be generously rewarded. The former Portuguese colony has virtually none of the madness that usually envelops travelers in India, but there is beauty and peace, plus amazing beaches.

Lately, more and more hotels have opened in Calangute and Baga in North Goa with very non-Goan prices, but with that unfortunate exception, you can find cheap accommodations almost everywhere in Goa. The relaxed yet exciting hippie city of Anjuna still has plenty of hotels from about 350 rubles a night, with lunches at about 70 rubles with a big bottle of Kingfisher beer for about the same price. Different parts of Goa are geared toward different types of travelers, so it’s all about deciding what’s most suitable for you.

The main entertainment here is sitting on the beach all day and going to bars, clubs and night parties on the beach. Beach restaurants keep prices for food and drinks at the level of the city, so dinner on the beach will be inexpensive, especially when compared to Europe.


Goa is not a place, it is a state of mind. It is also an Indian state with several dozen small villages, most of which are located along the coast and attract many tourists from November to March. Compared to prices in other parts of India, Goa is a relatively expensive resort, but compared to other such places, it is a very tempting choice.

During the peak dates between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, prices go up and hotels get so packed that if you can, try to reschedule or get ready to pay a little more. But still, the hotels in Goa are cheap and of good enough quality for a coastal resort. Also, choose carefully the city where you will be vacationing. Some places are famous for partying, while others are more suitable for a family vacation.

Hotels in Goa cost differently depending on the time of year. The high season, when the local beaches attract crowds of Europeans and Israelis, lasts from November to March, the special surge in popularity is observed in the week between Christmas and New Year. During this period the hotel rates can double or even triple, but in most cases the room can be booked in advance, and the earlier the better. In April and May Goa is mostly inhabited by locals, and from June to August there is almost no one here due to the onset of the furious monsoon season.


The weather forecast for the area is usually given for the main resort town of Panaji, which is in the interior of the island, so it may not be as hot on the coast. From December to April, during the main tourist season, the weather is very pleasant and dry, although the humidity in the air can be felt even in the absence of rain. In April it gets really hot, and in June the monsoon season starts, bringing heavy downpours, which last until mid-August. It’s best not to come here during this time, unless you aim to enjoy the rain and the floods.


Bangkok may be a budget city in itself and undoubtedly captivating, but Chiang Mai in northern Thailand is even better. You want to stay in Bangkok for a few days, but leave time to visit Chiang Mai, where the weather is more stable, dozens of beautiful temples and plenty of stores and stores with much cheaper souvenirs and clothes than in the capital of the kingdom.

Chiang Mai is the second largest and most popular historical city of Thailand after Bangkok. And the atmosphere here is very different from what you may have already seen in Thailand, even if you abstract away from the picturesque mountain scenery around. The food in town is excellent and any of the many small restaurants in the tourist area will offer you a multi-course lunch for 150 rubles. Most of the sights here are either free or quite cheap, so travelers can safely spend most of the remaining money on inexpensive souvenirs. Food and drinks are available for any wallet, the lowest prices can be found in the many street cafes and restaurants for locals.


The city is one of the best places to travel, offering a full range of hotels for a low price even by international standards, with hostels in Chiang Mai of course even cheaper. A room in a quality 3-star hotel in Chiang Mai can be rented for about the same money as a hostel bed in Northern Europe. The price for a room in a private hotel right by the walls of the central part of the city starts at 200 rubles per night. If you pay a little more, you get air conditioning, cable TV and a refrigerator in the room.

The high season lasts from November to March, prices rise additionally during Christmas and New Year. From April through October, you can settle in for a great price even in the most popular places, while prices in the cheapest areas are virtually unchanged throughout the year.



Despite the mountainous terrain, the weather in Chiang Mai is very similar to that of coastal cities in Southeast Asia. The hottest month is April, and the high humidity can make the heat just unbearable. The city cools down a bit during the wet season from May to October, with daily downpours but rarely turning to lingering drizzle. The weather is relatively mild from November to February, so it’s best to come on vacation during this period.



Cairo should definitely be categorized as “news-dependent” today; in fact, the situation in the city only encourages lower prices for flights and good hotels in the tourist area. But even when all is quiet in Cairo, you can find many strikingly cheap deals for travelers on a limited budget; suffice it to say that hotel prices start at 500 rubles.

Cairo is a great place for not-so-wealthy travelers. It is one of those places with somehow parallel worlds that give a rich choice, to lovers of luxury recreation, while offering independent tourists good hotels with meals at very reasonable prices.

What you really have to be wary of in Egypt is the obtrusive street service, as tourists are usually surrounded by a crowd of “helpful” locals whose kin sell the cheapest Nile cruises or the best tours to the Great Pyramids. The best thing – to resist their pressure, learn a bit of market research and hire a car with a driver for a whole day for about 800 – 1000 rubles for three people.

The prices for tours and excursions from Cairo can always be knocked down by 50%, and if you’re lucky and 70%, so be prepared to haggle. For a strikingly low fee you can hire a driver with a car for the day, but do not be surprised by how often he will stop at the windows with souvenirs and restaurants, from which he gets his share.

By European standards, food here costs very little, especially if you visit places that the locals look into rather than tourist establishments with English-language menus. Liquor is not served everywhere, but there is a small wine shop on every corner that offers a choice of several cold beers, which are easy to bring with you for lunch.



The hotel seasons in Cairo are closely linked to the weather with hotel prices generally peaking between December and April and at their lowest between June and August. If you are planning to arrive for the winter vacations, it is advisable to book a place to stay as early as possible.

In the hotels of high-class international chains prices vary greatly, but on the market of local and independent hotels and hotel chains are stable. Often a 2 star hotel in downtown Cairo is housed in what was once a much more expensive but threadbare establishment, which can save you money if you want to stay in a room that has seen better days.

If you decide to book a hotel on the spot (not recommended), it is better not to rely on the cab drivers waiting at the airport, because you never know where you will end up if you can’t tell the driver the address of the hotel you booked the room in. It is preferable to book a room at least for the first night.



Despite the desert location, Cairo has very comfortable temperatures from November to April, and it can even be a bit cold at night. From May to October, the daytime temperatures can be a bit uncomfortable, especially considering the humidity that descends on the Nile Valley at this time of year. Summer nights are great in the city, but daytime sightseeing can get expensive. It almost never rains in Cairo, so save room in your luggage by removing your umbrella and rain gear from your suitcase.



Bali is another place, about which, when choosing hotels, you may get the impression that staying there has become quite expensive. In addition, Bali, in recent years, suffers from its own popularity and growth of travelers, as evidenced by traffic jams, which eat up a significant part of the time allotted for excursions. Yes, it is, over the past 5 years, much on the island have increased in price, but you can still find hundreds of places, which still offer charming rooms costing from 700 rubles per night. So despite the disadvantages of popularity, Bali remains a fantastically profitable place to travel, at least for those who do not care about staying in hotels of trendy international chains, and in this case Kuta is the best place. The city is known as the surfing and nightlife capital of the island, which attracts independent and economical travelers from all over the world.

That said, the surrounding scenery and local way of life continue to stun visitors to enjoy one of the world’s most unique and easily accessible cultures. The food here is excellent, it is not difficult to find a place where lunch costs about 100 rubles, and something really tasty and sometimes fashionable will not cost much more. Local beer, made from the juice of palm inflorescence, is considered the cheapest drink in Bali, and it really is a success, although you can get cheap cocktails at the counters in popular bars.

Sitting on the beach (watching the endless stream of trinket vendors and homegrown masseurs) is considered the main local entertainment, and, of course, it’s free. For a small fee, you can rent a surfboard and even get a few lessons, which are cheaper than most other favorite surf spots.



 Siem Reap serves as a gateway to the neighboring Angkor Wat complex, and is expected to be a terrible place to put up with in hopes of getting to the amazing temples, but it actually turns out to be a nice little town that’s nice to relax in if you have some free time. Hotels in Siem Reap range from very cheap to world-class, and the quality in the lower price segment is generally pretty good. You can also find the cheapest hostels in the world in Siem Reap. It is true that a visit to the temple complex of Angkor Wat, lying to the north of the city, probably the most expensive tourist attraction in the entire region, but once there you can understand why it costs so much and that it is really worth it. Thrifty travelers can purchase a one-day tour ticket, which entitles them to visit the complex on the evening of the previous day as well, allowing them to see the place without too much of a rush. After buying a one-day, three-day, or a week tour, you can enjoy incomprehensibly low prices for everything else.

It’s tempting to think that a city built as an intermediate base for trips to a world-famous attraction must be full of unscrupulous businessmen and clueless souvenir shops. There’s a little of both, but otherwise it’s a nice and quiet Cambodian town that would be beautiful on its own, even without the neighborhood of the Angkor Wat complex. The food and drinks in town are fairly cheap with a pleasantly high quality and an amazing variety of establishments on Pub Street and the adjacent alley. Especially pleasing is the draft beer and the availability of “happy hours” in almost any cafe, but at moderate prices you will be offered and wines, spirits and exotic cocktails. In dozens of establishments advertising special offers, lunch for less than 100 rubles with a glass of “Angkor” beer for 20 rubles is the norm during happy hours.



The range of prices and quality of accommodation in Siem Reap is wider than anywhere else in Asia. A bunk in a backyard hostel costs 33 rubles, decent inexpensive hotels start at about 700 rubles, and there are world-class resorts just outside the city, some of which have five stars. The peak of prices is from November to February, although in inexpensive hotels, if they do raise prices, then only a little. Going here in high season, it is better to book a room in advance.



Siem Reap has almost a tropical climate, it is hot all year round, changing only the wet and dry seasons. The best weather is from mid-November to February, and during this time the city is the most lively. From March through May, daytime temperatures soar off the charts.

The wet season brings torrential rains that fall for about an hour every day, but if you’re unlucky, the downpour can last for hours on end. At the Angkor Wat temple complex, it is almost impossible to hide from the rain, so a trip in the middle of the rainy season can be quite a risky undertaking.



In recent years, Cartagena has become a very fashionable place, in part because decades before the country was generally considered unsafe to visit. Today, much has changed. To Colombia in general, and to Cartagena in particular, tourists have flocked, primarily those on a limited travel budget. While the news of Colombia’s tourism resurgence is cautious, the city of Cartagena should definitely be a welcome item on the list of vacation destinations. A beach town with a colonial historic center and a long chain of resort hotels along a very beautiful sandy coastline, make it one of the best places for a cultural vacation in South America.

By international standards, Cartagena can be described as a very cheap city in everything from hotels to food and entertainment. In this respect, it is closer to Panama or San Jose than to Lima or Buenos Aires in South America. But if things continue to get better in Colombia, it is very likely that prices will creep up quickly. Such underpriced places can’t stay cheap forever.

For now, most sightseeing is free or very cheap, and eating and drinking is also very inexpensive if you stick to local establishments rather than buying food and drinks in fancy hotel restaurants.



Hotels remain fairly cheap even during the high season, so places are popular with many sun worshippers from around the world.

Hotels in Cartagena are in the highest demand from December to February, and July to August. Accommodation during the Carnival and Film Festival (February) peaks in price, so going to go here during it, it is better to book a room in advance. The rest of the year is considered low season, and finding a comfortable place to stay is much easier.



The most pleasant months to travel to Cartagena are from November to March, with temperatures and humidity dropping slightly and rising winds making the stay even more comfortable. There are two rainy seasons of the year, from mid-March to May and October-November, but even during this time, downpours are rarely a serious problem.



The capital of Panama City is a bit like Cartagena, of course, if we forget about the occasional riots in the streets of the city. In any case, every year Panama City attracts more and more travelers from all over the world. The Panama Canal is still a major attraction, but now tourists are more focused on the city itself, shopping, restaurants and nightlife. And there are beautiful beaches and resort areas near the city.

As Costa Rica and Belize get more expensive year after year, Panama is gaining a reputation for a cosmopolitan mix of delights with very attractive price tags. Yes, there are even cheaper places in South America, but none with such sophistication. Panama, which, in addition to its tropical nature, has a huge historical and cultural past, is gaining popularity among travelers as a cheaper alternative to Costa Rica. Indeed, prices here are generally lower than in Costa Rica, but be warned, that won’t last long if this surge in tourist interest continues.

Food and drinks are also very affordable, especially if you focus on sidewalk cafes and other locals-oriented establishments. Restaurants aimed at tourists, with menus in English, may not seem cheap at all.



Hotels and hostels in Panama are quite good, especially hostels and hotels with a minimum of stars at the lower end of the price range. In hotels 3-4 stars, which are slightly more expensive it is advantageous to stay in the low season. But even year-round you can find a wonderful place for a good price in Panama, much cheaper than in most other cities in the world.



Hotels in Panama follow the same seasonal pattern as in the Caribbean, which means that the high season lasts from December to March, and in some places high prices are kept high even in April. The high season peaks around Christmas and New Year’s Eve, so if you are coming here, book a hotel as early as possible. Low season lasts from June to November, and at this time you can find very good deals. Do not forget that the low season coincides with the rainy season; however, it only means that once every few days the clouds pour down in the afternoon.

Panama has a classic tropical climate, with temperatures almost constant throughout the year. During the dry season from December to May, it can be quite humid during the day, but the heat rarely exceeds the limits of reasonableness, so overall it feels good. The rainy season lasts from June to November; it usually rains in an afternoon downpour, and rarely lasts all day.



The only European city on our list will undoubtedly become more expensive in the coming years as more and more tourists discover it. It is undoubtedly the most interesting tourist city in Poland, which is quite easy to get to. It may not be as beautiful as Prague, but it usually has far fewer tourists and prices for everything are a bit lower. And while the city is protected from the fate of an overcrowded Prague, somewhat removed from the main tourist routes, but its visit is definitely worth the effort. Indeed, Krakow is one of the optimal cities for tourism, although this situation may change in the coming years.

The historic center of the city is one of the most beautiful in the region, but most important is the infrastructure, which is aimed at travelers on a modest budget. Many hostels and hotels in the tourist area compete fiercely for customers, keeping prices at an incomprehensibly low level for such a wonderful place. The city is now considered one of the most popular European destinations for stag and hen parties, thanks to its very low prices and unwavering party atmosphere.

The main attractions and public transportation in Krakow are quite affordable, so even very frugal travelers can afford to admire the museums and palaces from the inside, not just from the street.

Also by European standards the food in the city is quite cheap, unless you like the local cuisine. If you want something more exotic than “croupier” and “flaky,” it will cost more, but also quite acceptable. Drinks, again by European standards, are also quite inexpensive.




Hotels in Krakow are very cheap by European standards, even 3-4 star hotels can offer great value for money, so stay out of the habit of going for a one star hotel or hostel. Away from the historic center of the city, hotels are even cheaper, but the quality of service may be lower, and they are often quite inconveniently located.



Krakow hotels and hostels are in high season in July and August. Prices have gone up as new, modern hotels have opened, but it is still possible to find great deals, especially from November to March. Krakow has a number of very good hostels, most of which have private rooms, which is great for travellers on a tight budget.

Krakow has a typical regional climate, with warm but not sweltering summers, which are also the wettest time of year – rain is always possible. In spring and autumn the city is also nice, it usually doesn’t rain much, while in winter it tends to be quite cool.



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Cusco is the largest city in the vicinity of Machu Picchu in Peru, and a great starting point for excursions to the famous hill. This makes Cusco practically the twin brother of Siem Reap, described above. Regardless of how you get from Cusco to Machu Picchu, you’ll have to spend a lot; a package one-day excursion by train now costs about 5,000 rubles.

What Cusco really resembles Siem Reap is that it’s an absolutely wonderful city in its own right and a popular hangout for backpackers, where they’re willing to spend weeks on end. The abundance of hostels and cheap hotels means it’s not hard to find an inexpensive night’s lodging, not even to mention the very good local food, cheap booze and nightlife. The place is worthy of a visit in itself, but to be in Cusco and not visit Machu Picchu is sacrilege, so think about your expenses in advance.

Given that most people only learn about Cusco as a staging post on the way to Machu Picchu, it’s a little surprising how charming, magnificent, and interesting the city actually turns out to be. Some elements of travel to Cusco and Machu Picchu can seem incredibly expensive, so the good thing is that much more is very inexpensive here.

A flight from Moscow to Cusco and even Lima is expensive (round-trip prices start at 60,000 rubles), and a train to Aguas Calientes (if you prefer a day tour) or a tour of the Inca Trail (you have to walk) turns out to be much more expensive than you might expect, so prepare in advance.

Food and drink in Cusco is also cheap, with an endless line of restaurants and bars keeping prices competitive. Beer is especially popular here, and the price is quite reasonable compared to prices back home.



The hotels in Cusco are very cheap for the most part, although they are of high quality. Several hostels designed for backpackers have recently opened, although it makes little sense to save money on lodging given the local prices.

Hotels in Cusco fill up during the high season, which lasts from May to October. This is the dry season, when Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail are most in demand. During this period, it is not unreasonable to book in advance, especially if you want to stay close to the city center, in the vicinity of Plaza de Armas. Cusco continues to grow in all directions, so most of the new hotels are located quite far from the center of the main action.



Arriving in the low season, from November to April, you’ll get a pretty wide selection of hotels on arrival, so you can get a great discount. During the wet season the city is not very popular, so the competition between hotels reaches the peak of fury, and this is partly explained by the fact that most of the income of such institutions brings the sale of tours and excursions to the guests, so even turning in a cheap room, the owners are not left in the lurch.

Due to the altitude of the geographical location (higher even than Machu Picchu itself) and proximity to the equator, the average air temperature in Cusco almost does not change throughout the year. Summer (December through February) is slightly warmer than the rest of the year, but it coincides with the wet season, and heavy rains with flash floods will determine the enjoyment of the trip more than the temperature itself.

The best time of year to travel is between May and September, when Cusco has almost constant sunshine and dry weather. At any time of year, the evenings and nights get quite cool in the city, and frosts are possible during the dry season, but snow as such is very rare in these parts.